Sustainable Leather Foundation

SLF and Weev collaboration

Working together for better sustainability outcomes is a priority for both SLF and Weev which is why we have agreed on a Memorandum of Understanding to foster ways to support the aims of each organisation for the good of the industry.

Weev connects brands and suppliers on a shared platform to make the creation process faster, more transparent, and more sustainable.  Within Weev’s platform:

Material Managers can:

  • Source with confidence, having complete transparency about materials and suppliers alike
  • Organize materials, drive projects to achieve goals, and deepen working relationships


Designers can:

  • Find inspiration in the curated materials library
  • Use interactive tools to sample materials in real time
  • Effectively bring designs to life and communicate the vision to the team


Developers can:

  • Close the gap between ideation and feasibility
  • Find sustainable materials and review comprehensive technical details to decide if they’re suitable for a specific project

By cross pollinating information between the SLF Transparency Dashboard and the Weev Sourcing Platform, we will add a layer of sustainability due diligence to the sourcing potential for brands.  The design and sourcing teams will be able to select materials that not only fit their design and aesthetic requirements but also meet their sustainability  requirements.

The collaborative partnership between the two organisations will pave the way for even better outcomes for people and planet.