Sustainable Leather Foundation

Transparency you can see!

Our Transparency Dashboard™ is the keystone of SLF’s vision and is the only one of it’s kind in the leather industry.  The Dashboard is what enables us to realise our “A.I.M. Approach” – Accessible, Inclusive and Modular for the benefit of all stakeholders.

The Transparency Dashboard™ demonstrates the ESG responsibility of the leather value chain to customers and consumer through: 

  • an integrated dashboard interface accessible through dynamic QR codes, Partner Profiles and Website 
  • dynamically updated information to reflect real time progress
  • one-stop window for all certification – equivalency built-in
  • dedicated user space for brands / retailers to host all their suppliers’ due diligence in one place
  • consumer access through dynamic QR technology on point of sale materials, to real time information about a company’s performance 
  • provision of support for facilities through our SLF Sustainability Roadmap™ – widening the accessibility and exclusivity of our improvement mechanism.

You can view a recorded introduction to the SLF Transparency Dashboard™ here:

Our Transparency Dashboard works on a simple traffic light system for ease of understanding. The sections are colour coded as follows:

  • Grey – assessment has not yet started
  • Orange – an assessment is in progress but not yet meeting the requirements
  • Green – this section successfully assessed
  • Red – signifies a failing section.


The basic view of the Transparency Dashboard is open source, however Partners of SLF can click on each section to see the basis of assessment and the metrics related to the result.

Other interested parties may request access to the full Transparency Dashboard with the permission of the Partner company.

NB: The compliance criteria within the three modules will vary depending upon the facility being audited. The above example is based on the audit standard for leather manufacturers.

Development Updates

May 2021:   Dashboard for Leather Manufacturers was launched.

January 2022:  Dashboard for Product Manufacturers went live.

January 2022:  Under development is our Dashboard for Chemical Companies and early discussions for Machinery Companies.

How Does It Work?

Environmental Module
Social Module
Governance Module