Sustainable Leather Foundation

SLF partners recognised on Material Exchange sourcing platform

Last week, Material Exchange hosted a launch event webinar to talk about their online sourcing platform and how material sourcing is evolving to become a more sustainable, efficient process.

Material Exchange is a one-stop digital marketplace connecting suppliers and buyers around the globe for more efficient, transparent and cost-effective material sourcing. The sooner the industry moves to digital, the sooner it can reduce its impacts on the planet and increase sustainability.

With an aim to support a more transparent leather industry, Material Exchange has developed a proprietary sustainability search tool to simplify responsible sourcing.

SLF are delighted to be a spotlight partner under the Better Leather category which contains a dozen key search terms.

The Better Leather sustainability search term includes SLF contributing partners, enabling them to be found easily on the Material Exchange marketplace.

As part of the webinar, Material Exchange released their brand new Sustainability Playbook, you can request a copy of the ebook below.