Sustainable Leather Foundation

The work of the Foundation is only possible with the revenue received from our Partners.  

The Foundation does not receive any government funding or grants.

Partnership with SLF demonstrates a shared goal of improvement, best practice, collaboration and innovation, and we welcome partners from across the value chain. Brands, retailers and OEMS can join us through subscription based membership; leather manufacturers, product manufacturers, meatpackers and processors, chemical and machinery companies can join us through Transparency Dashboard due diligence and auditing/certification.

We create a connected community that is committed to adopting best sustainability standards and one that is focused on driving positive transformative change.  The full range of benefits is available in the SLF Information Pack. 

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of partnership and how to join us, just click the buttons to the right for our proposal pack and application form. Alternatively, you can fill out the form below and a member of our team will get back to you.