Sustainable Leather Foundation

Interview with Tanner Leatherstein

SLF Wins University of Northampton 'Best Sustainability Strategy' Award

Webinars, Interviews and Podcasts

19th June 2021: Podcast with International Leather Maker

24th May 2021: In Conversation with the ID Factory

Sustainability Workshop on the Sustainable Leather Foundation 11th November 2021

Did you miss Satra’s recent workshops on SLF and our Transparency Dashboard, collaboration hubs, Audit Standard and associated technical documents?  No problem, you can watch the full webinar on Satra’s website linked below: 

In the News

Interview for Oeko-Tex February 2022

International Leather Maker July / August 2021

World Leather Magazine June/July 2021

Sustainable Leather Foundation holds inaugural partnership meeting 20th January 2021